Do you understand how much God loves you, but still struggle with loving and accepting yourself? If so, I want to encourage you with what the Lord has been encouraging me with today...
Even though I’m saved and have a new identity in Christ—and I know God loves me with all my imperfections and failures—I've had trouble feeling worthy of His love. With that comes self-condemnation, fear of rejection, and fear of man.
But today the Lord has reminded me...
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear.
The word ‘perfect’ is the Greek word: ‘teleioo,’ meaning ‘to complete or consummate.’
The word ‘love’ is the Greek word: ‘agape,’ meaning ‘love, affection or benevolence, a love feast.’
'Perfect love' is a Person—Jesus!
By accepting God’s love for us—truly accepting who we are in Christ Jesus—we can overcome feelings of unworthiness, self-condemnation, and fear.
How do we truly accept God’s love for us?
By seeing ourselves through His eyes:
First, if you have not yet accepted God’s only begotten Son, Jesus for your Lord and Savior—God is pursuing you to open your eyes to His great love for you...
For those of us who have already accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, but are still struggling with feelings of unworthiness, God wants us to begin seeing ourselves the way He does...
We are accepted in the Beloved.
There is therefore now no condemnation.
God’s Word is alive—new each time I read it! I’ve read those verses many times and even rejoiced in their truth, but somehow they are like a new gift to unwrap all over again today...
Accepted in the Beloved—No more condemnation.
Let's unwrap that truth
inside of our hearts!
We are made perfect in love as we truly accept the greatest love gift: Jesus, and then let that same love and grace overflow through us to others.
We are Accepted in the Beloved:
Jesus—God’s love gift to us...
Isn’t that what we all, as followers of Christ, must continue to do? Keep pondering all these things in our hearts the way Mary did?
As we allow God’s perfect love to fill more and more of our heart—pondering the glorious reality of His grace—our fears and feelings of unworthiness will be cast out.
Dear friend, I encourage you to join me in celebrating the true meaning of Christmas this year—focusing on Jesus, seeing Him for the first time all over again—receiving all that He gives us in so great a salvation—the consummation of God’s love for us—seeing ourselves and others through His eyes.