Being a parent of adult children and a grandparent of children’s children is to be in one of the most beautiful seasons of life! The Lord surprised me in my devotions this morning with a fresh perspective on how He blesses us with a unique ministry opportunity for these years…
The Hebrew root word for crown is “atar” and means “to encircle for protection.”
The Hebrew root word for glory is “tipharah” and means “beauty, bravery, majesty, boast.”
Those definitions helped me see that verse in a new light. I always thought it described what grandchildren are to the grandparent…but didn’t realize “crown” meant “a protective encircling.” Grandchildren are the protective encircling of the grandparents.
Then the second half of the verse describes how children—including adult children—see the parents…as their “glory” (beauty, bravery, majesty, boast). The children’s “glory” is what they see in and respect about their parents.
As I studied these meanings, I was reminded that God created families with a Biblical order for their roles and relationships.
God’s Biblical order for children’s children is that they would be the protective encircling of the grandparents—and that the children would be inspired by what they see and respect in their parents.
What else is God’s design for the role and relationship of the parent with their adult children, and the grandparent with their children’s children?
We have been given the unique ministry calling of being a living testimony for our children and their children by exercising our faith and love for the Lord in our daily life.
Those verses describe having dignity…
“dignity” means:
true honor with humility
nobleness of mind
high sense of propriety, truth and justice
As parents of adult children and grandparents of children’s children, let’s put on our clothing of strength and honor—let’s be teachers of good things, remembering God’s calling us to be living testimonies of our faith and love for Him!
I hope this has been as much of an encouragement to you as it has been for me! We are living in a beautiful season with a high calling!!