In Part One, we looked up and saw that salvation is the foundation for finding deliverance from addiction. In Part Two, we saw the truth that salvation is the beginning of a relationship with our heavenly Father through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
As we develop a personal daily relationship with Him by prayer and time in His Word, He shows us the truth that makes us free.
Now, in Part Three
we see what it means
to trust Him
and His power
in our daily life.
As the Lord leads me to write this series of posts, I have so much hope and want to share this beautiful redemption life He makes possible…but He also wants me to share what it was like before He delivered me from addiction. I’ve kept some of the things I wrote then and now it’s time to share a glimpse of that stronghold with you…
Do you know what it’s like
to want to change
but keep living in defeat
and self-condemnation?
There is hope! What finally helped me was learning to trust God in my daily life.
In my testimony I share the place (the RU Schools of Discipleship) where I saw Christians trusting God with the smallest details of their daily lives.
I saw they weren’t just “winging” life, they were living under a Loving, Grace-giving, all Mighty Authority: The Lord Jesus Christ. Watching how they lived their lives was what helped me see how big God really is!
God was so real to them that they began each morning looking to see what He had to say in His Word that would help them for that day.
God was personally
involved in their daily
decision-making process.
I remember reading these words one day and how it was like a total aha-moment for me…
I pictured in my mind how much higher the heavens are above the earth and then it clicked in my heart…if God is so much wiser and His thoughts and ways are so much higher than my thoughts and ways, then why didn’t I start making all my decisions in life based on His thoughts and ways that are found in His Word?
No more waiting for the day I’d finally have it all together! No more trying hard to do better!
We can trust Him to begin doing what we have never been able to do for ourselves. We can start getting under His authority as our loving heavenly Father.
We can trust His heart for us. He knows our frame, that we are but dust. There is nothing He asks of us that He will not enable us by His grace to do.
The victorious
Christian life
is not about
obeying rules,
it’s about
having a relationship
with our Lord.
Guess what happens when we get under His loving authority and trust Him with the details of our daily life? A whole new life opens up in front of us…
No matter where we are in our life at any given moment, He is right there with us. There’s no other friend like Jesus.
Are you ready
to surrender the pen
and allow Him to begin
writing your redemption story?
Pray with me now:
Dear Jesus, I need you! I’m tired of my life the way it has been. I’m sorry for my sins against You. Will you forgive me and cleanse me from my sin? I want to do better. I keep trying hard, but I keep failing. But You…You have been given All Power in heaven and on earth. Nothing is too hard for You! Will You help me, Lord? I trust you to do what I cannot do for myself. [Ask Him to come and live inside your heart and be your Lord and Savior if you’ve not yet asked Him.]
Thank you for loving even me. Thank you for giving Your life for mine on Calvary where You shed Your Blood as the payment for my sins. You were buried and rose again the third day and You are at this moment seated at the right hand of the Father.
There you ever live to be my Strength and my Redeemer. You are my Shepherd, lovingly watching over me. No one ever cared for me like You do. You paid it All. All to You I owe.
I trust you now to deliver me from the hand of the enemy. Break every stronghold by Your power! Sin had left a crimson stain but You washed it white as snow!
I claim all the victory You won for me on Calvary. Greater are You that is in me, than he that is in the world. I surrender my heart and trust you to be Lord over every detail of my daily life. Lead and guide me by the Holy Spirit as you speak to my heart each day as I read your Word and pray to You. I love You, Father!
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Dear friend, if you would like me to pray for you too, you can email me at
Remember we have a loving, merciful, perfect heavenly Father, Who created us for Himself and wants only the best for us—but our adversary, the devil only wants to steal, kill and destroy all that we have and all that we are:
Through Christ’s power, we can have life more abundantly! Instead of escaping reality, we can celebrate it!
“There’s no high like
The Most High.”
Join me for Part Four in this series: “Live Loved.”