With springtime so close—a time when God’s beautiful creation begins life anew—I always feel inspired to make a fresh start in my own life. How about you?
The thing is, mostly I think about all the things I want to “do” better.
I want to...
- do better at praying;
- do better at spending time with God in His word;
- do more to serve Him;
- do better at submitting to my husband;
- do more for my family and others;
- do better at...
The list goes
on and on—
all the things
to do better!
Sure, all those things I want to do better are good goals—but each time I fail, I lose my joy and contentment.
I end up feeling like I'm failing God most of the time. Is this the abundant life Christ died to give me?
Just yesterday, I was talking with my daughter, Robyn. We were discussing the need to find our joy in who we are in Christ—Instead of how well we see ourselves doing.
She shared with me a quote from a book she’s reading...
- Have I been self-focused or God-focused?
- Am I trying to do good in my own power?
- Or am I trusting God's power to do good in and through me?
- Am I trying to serve Him in my own strength? Or in His strength?
Those questions suddenly became more important than my “to do better” list.
God’s love
is unconditional.
It’s a gift,
not something
we earn.
The Christian life
is not about
trying hard to
do better—
It’s about
being yielded
to Him.
"God doesn’t want a better you—He wants a deader you. God doesn’t want to change your life—He wants to exchange your life.”
– Bro. Steve Curington, Tall Law.
God promises
His grace
is sufficient.
So join with me!
Let's toss out our
"to do better" lists
and start life
fresh this spring
by simply
being His child:
resting securely
in His Love,
yielded and obedient
to the Holy Spirit.