As a child of the 60’s, one of the first songs I remember hearing was “Yesterday” by the Beatles. The lyrics described a sadness and longing for the past to have turned out better. Now as a redeemed child of God, I see a beautiful alternative to that perspective!
This beautiful perspective is made possible through the lens of God’s Word:
“That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past. ”
It is the realization that God is Sovereignly in Complete Control. No matter how we have failed God, His love never fails us!
“I know there’s nothing that comes into my life that isn’t ‘Father-filtered’.” ~ Wendy Eaton Burks
Our longing for the past to have turned out better can be replaced with gratefulness and joy in God’s Redemption:
“And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.”
A way has been made—a way out of the sin, the darkness, and confusion—into the simple peace that comes from knowing HIM, Who makes the heavens shine!!
“God will turn the might have been into a wonderful culture for the future.”
“Through Jesus Christ’s Redemption the way is opened back to yesterday, out of the blunders, and blackness, and baffling, into a perfect simplicity of relationship to God. Jesus Christ undertakes to enable a man to withstand every one of the charges made by Satan.” ~ Oswald Chambers